Demand for third ferry on Marcaim-Cortalim route

It’s a daily struggle for helpless travellers who use the Marcaim-Cortalim ferry so as to cut the distance and reach their destination faster. However, many a time that is not the case and the lack of adequate ferries plying on the Goa’s longest route, has left many disgruntled and frustrated

Demand for  third ferry  on Marcaim-Cortalim route

Team Herald

PONDA: Two ferry boats serving on Marcaim-Cortalim water route do not seem adequate to cater to the demands of an increasing population that uses this facility and many are of strong opinion that more ferries were needed to cope with the ever-increasing demand.
This situation often leads to unnecessary shouting, petty altercations and heated arguments, especially between those that try to squeeze into the ferry in a bid to enter first, breaking queues and disrupting decorum. These incidents too add to the constant delays from either end, especially those coming to Cortalim. 
And it is not rare to see bikers and car owners vying for the limited space in the ferry, as waiting for the next ferry would mean the loss of precious time and a possibility of being late for work.
This correspondent witnessed the rush of passengers at 7.30 am on this route and experienced first-hand, how passengers rush towards the jam-packed ferry that transports them through Goa’s longest water route, which covers almost three kilometre distance to the opposite side of Zuari river and takes around half hour.
However, the two ferry-boat services were not adequate to meet the demands of the people, who have to wait for nearly thirty minutes and the next thirty minutes to reach Cortalim. Thus, one understands their desperation and attitude, as missing the ferry would mean waiting for an hour on one side, helplessly.
What is more, regular passengers also complain that the two ferries often encounter breakdowns, sometimes even midway and there are also times that ferries have drifted off-course, creating panic among passengers.  
The rush of passengers, mostly workers in Ponda and Marmagoa taluka travel to the opposite sides for various jobs, due to increase in industries and rising jobs opportunities. 
The passengers revealed that they travel via this water route as it was a shortcut  to reach Vasco or Verna, or even to the Goa Medical College in Bambolim, and have often voiced their opinion for an additional ferry that would further cut time and reduce inconvenience among passengers.
Along with locals, hundreds of migrant labourers also travel towards Verna, Sancoale and industrial estates in Mormugao taluka, while people from Mormugao taluka also travel towards Ponda for same purpose in large number to Industries at Marcaim, Bethora, Kundaim, besides other government offices. 
Unfortunately not all four-wheelers can be accommodated in the ferry, even though many bikers manage to scamper, sometimes in a dangerous way, risking injury and accidents. Also, by doing this they block the space marked for cars, thus leading to arguments. Hundreds of passengers travels as early as 6 am till around 9 pm and the early morning and late night trips being the most crowded with people going to work and returning  from work respectively. The rush hours are the ones where most chaotic scenes are witnessed.
Again, a place in the ferry is never guaranteed, even if you wait in the serpentine queue that begins from the wharf on either side.
According to Sagun Fadte, who travels regularly on this route and has a shop at Cortalim, passengers risk their lives while travelling on this route and government should come up with a scheme to insure lives of those travelling.
This route, being longest in Goa, is also considered dangerous and we often fear to travel on the ferry. But being a shortcut many passengers prefer it, he said, adding that there were constant break-down halfway once or twice a month.
Some even suggested that the government should construct a ferry ramp at a shorter distant opposite Marcaim at Nevra-Agshim, so that people could cover  distant at opposite side of Marcaim within five minute.
If the government constructs a bridge on Marcaim-Agushim Nevra route it would solve a major problem and people would reach their workplace in time. Even GMC would be closer to people of Ponda, said Umkant Naik.
Allywin Barboza, who missed the 7.30 am ferry, was visibly depressed and had to wait for additional half hour for the ferry to arrive from the other end. 
There are two ferryboats operating at the moment and one is smaller in size and cannot accommodate many passengers. 
Government should start a third ferry urgently to avoid inconvenience of passengers, he said.
According to Rajesh Prabu, around fifty two-wheelers, including a few cars travel at a time, with other passengers in a jam-packed manner  and many who cannot get space  have to wait or opt to take the longer road route.
According to Marcaim Panch members Shailendra Panjikar and Suresh Naik Marcaim, the  gram sabha on Sunday had passed a resolution demanding three ferry-boats on Marcaim-Cortalim route,  during rush hours, to meet the increasing needs of passengers. 
The panchayat had informed Transport Minister Sudin Davlikar who had assured to look into matter.

  • | 31 Jul, 2017, 07:03AM

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