12 Oct 2020  |   04:38am IST

How to become luckier in life and business

How to become luckier in life and business

Sunil Dias

Some people seem to have all the luck. A great business, an amazing family, a big house and car and frequent social media friendly, picture-perfect vacations. Everything is just perfect. The Gods of fortune seem well pleased with them. We attribute much of the success we see in others to good fortune. They’re lucky to be doing well. In people other than ourselves, we often associate ‘doing well’ with good luck.And we link ‘lack of achievement’ to a lack of effort or intelligence. 

For ourselves (and for our business and children), it works the other way. If we do well, we attribute it tothe work we’ve put in or our capability.We link our achievement to the efficient and intelligent use of our abilities. We’ve normally don’t consider ourselves lucky; we’re just getting what we deserve. And when we don’t do well? That’s bad luck! A slice of misfortune which has taken away what we deserved. 

There is an inexplicable chasm between our perception of the role of luck depending on who the achiever is. So, what explains this chasm? How much of ‘achievement’ can we claim credit for? ‘Achievements’ which cannot be attributed to luck? Practically nothing, it turns out. Everything we achieve can be drilled down to a cause which we didn’t have a hand in. Each of our achievements have root in something we certainly didn’t influence in any way. For instance, are you a wildly successful businessman because of your intelligence? You were lucky to be born intelligent. Or is your success due to the great education you received? You were lucky to have teachers who taught you well. Or parents who provided the right environment for you to learn. Or did you teach yourself by reading extensively? You were lucky to be born with self-discipline to learn and the desire to read. 

As Oliver Burkeman succinctly says in his Guardian column, nothing is entirely our doing.

“On and on it goes: whatever your station in life, you got there by following some course of action. But even if that course of action were wholly your doing, you still had to be the kind of person able to pursue it; and even if you became that kind of person by the sweat of your brow, you still must have already been the kind of person who could raise that sweat…

Eventually, working backwards, you will reach some starting point that can’t have been your doing. The troubling conclusion is that the person born in poverty, with no parental support, who scrimps to put himself or herself through college, finally achieving success through ceaseless suffering, owes their triumph no less to luck than, say, Eric Trump does.”

That’s a startling observation. So, if nothing is entirely our doing, does this mean that we leave everything to luck? That we can sit back and what needs to happen, will? If that makes you happy, do so by all means. Yet, for most of us, a sense of control over our destiny is a necessary ingredient of a happy and contented life. And the good news is that the more we perform some actions, the luckier we get. Think of them as good luck charms. And some of the good luck charms to get luckier are…

Lucky Charm #1: Acknowledge that you’re lucky

Yes, your talent contributed to your success. Yes, your hard work and sacrifices contributed to your success. Along with those, accept that luck has played a role in your success. Funnily, that acceptance makes you luckier. People who acknowledge the role of good fortune are humbler and more liked. And make for more successful leaders. Humility is always more attractive in a leader than arrogance. If you think you’ve done a great deal to be successful at something, it’s likely you’ll keep wanting others to acknowledge it. And since people attribute much of others success to luck, it’s unlikely you will get the (genuine) acknowledgement you think you deserve. 

Thinking you’re lucky is also a kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Feeling lucky makes you calm and confident. Often, these are necessary attributes for a successful person.

Lucky Charm #2: Define your destiny

It’s super useful knowing what identity you aspire to have. To define the type of person you want to be. Or to define what success looks like for your business. Success for your business doesn’t just mean how much revenue the company will earn. By defining the future, you are influencing your ‘destiny’. Sure, you’ll need luck to realize your destiny. But at least you realize when you’ve had a lucky break. When you know what you want, it's easier to identify and take advantage of opportunities. And be luckier. 

Lucky Charm #3: Widen your horizons

There are opportunities in every situation. Yet, to be able to exploit those opportunities, you need to be aware of them. Widening your horizons puts you in a position to be aware of those opportunities. The cheapest and most effective ways to widen your horizons are to read and to interact with a diverse set of people. Travelling is also very useful. These give new perspectives and open your mind to new possibilities. That opens your mind to new opportunities which you can then ‘luckily’ exploit. 

Lucky Charm #4: Don’t be too busy

Till the 1960s, a lifestyle of leisure was an indicator of success. Over the next 60 years, we’ve moved in the opposite direction. Being busy is now a badge of honour. “I’m really busy” almost always has a tinge (or more!) of pride. Perception of success is directly proportional to our busyness.Beware the barrenness of a busy life, said Socrates. So, if you’re too busy, stop and reassess what’s keeping you busy. And whether its productive and you’re enjoying it. If not, slow down and smell the coffee! That might turn out well. 

If you’re forever busy doing mundane activities, opportunities will pass you by. Without you realising it. Having your eyes wide open is a fundamental requirement of being lucky.So, don’t get sucked into the temptation of wanting to always be busy. As Oscar Wilde said ‘To do nothing at all, is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual.’

Closing thoughts

We've been dealt a good hand. We’re lucky to be born into a world of opportunity. Of course, you’ve worked hard and smart to make the most of the opportunities. Nobody can deny you that. Use the 4 lucky charms in this article to become luckier. And then take advantage of that good fortune. 

Finally, spreading luck is a great way to get more luck our way. Educate a needy kid, mentor a smaller business, gift opportunity to others. Go get luckier and make others luckier. 


Idhar Udhar