02 Mar 2024  |   05:02am IST

Celebrating excellence in Goa

Five esteemed players in the Goan Corporate world will be feted for their achievements and the jurors will discuss the parameters that were followed to select the nominees
Celebrating excellence in Goa

Team Cafe

The upcoming Herald Enterprise Excellence Awards, which celebrates iconic and rising business trailblazers in Goa across six categories, has five eminent stars of Goan enterprise — Pradeep D’Costa, Radhika Nayak, Mathew Samuel, Kingshuk Sarkar and DS Prashant — select and laud the most deserving organisations. 

These five esteemed key players in Goa’s illustrious business circuit, who have taken the state’s economy to unforeseen heights, discuss the importance of celebrating Goan entrepreneurs and business icons and their expectations for the bright future of the state’s business sector.

Pradeep D’Costa, President, Verna Industries Association

I am a first-generation entrepreneur. To be recognised for what you do in a state which is not known for business enterprise, you must encourage entrepreneurs to do better, and only when you recognise them do people stand out and other people then foray into the same.
Addressing the importance of celebrating Goan enterprises, Herald Goa has been a staple paper in my household since childhood and has always highlighted issues significant to Goa, so being a part of this initiative to encourage and recognise Goan entrepreneurship is very meaningful to me.
The widespread coverage of this paper will boost these nominated Goan businesses and entrepreneurs, as, according to me, entrepreneurship is the way forward, and it’s beneficial that Herald Goa is recognising people from this domain.
When it comes to the nominees, the selection process is important as they become role models for future entrepreneurs in any field.
This will encourage the newer entrepreneurs to foray into similar fields, informing them that there is scope to do well in Goa, as the state is still struggling with business enterprises. The industry sector is not looked at as much of a domain except for pharma to an extent. However, pharma entrepreneurship is difficult unless you go into the supply chain, so any other field is something that we can encourage people and get them to do well is what we need to.
So many engineers are graduating but there are no jobs, so entrepreneurship is the only answer and the way forward.

Mathew Samuel, Former Secretary, Department of Tourism, Goa
Goa needs to honour the people from within who contribute to society in the form of business, generating employment, showing new paths, and blazing a trail as it were, hence, it is an important step that Herald Goa is taking to conduct these awards.
By bringing together seasoned business people and rising entrepreneurs under one roof, Herald Goa provides an element of continuity between the generations of business people.
Some people enter the business sector without a business background, so for them to have that exposure, inspiration, a bit of mentoring, role modelling, and networking is very important.
For the older generation of business magnates, they get to know what’s happening in the younger section of the business world. With Herald Goa being the oldest newspaper in the state, this is a very good ground platform.

Radhika Nayak, Former Principal of Dempo College of Commerce & Economics
Organisations need to provide a platform where business trailblazers are recognised, in the same vein as Herald Goa. Goa is a small place and we are trying to build this ecosystem of investment and make it a business-friendly place.
The Government of Goa is always pushing for ease of business, but all these policies will only translate into reality when people take up those opportunities and the more people see others succeeding, the more this will motivate them to take up more business ventures.
Therefore it’s very essential to hold up these role models or examples and showcase them.
That is where organisations such as Herald Goa come in because they are giving a platform where these business leaders are showcased to the public at large.
Bringing together seasoned businesspeople and entrepreneurs under one roof is crucial for knowledge sharing — some people have been there and done it and succeeded while some may not have succeeded so well.
But even from their failures, there are a lot of lessons to be learned.
So for those who are just entering or for those who are keen to enter the business world, they have both the success models and the models where they can be cautioned against the pitfalls: hence, it’s beneficial to have this space for interaction between the two groups.
When it comes to the nominees, the quality is excellent, each of them has been doing commendable work in their area, and it’s good to see that there are so many people in Goa working for Goa and working and reaching out geographically to other countries. They are also employing Goans and non-Goans.
So, from all these impact factors, it’s good to see that there are so many people who are making the cut.

 Kingshuk Sarkar, Associate Professor at Goa Institute of Management
The Herald Enterprise Excellence Awards is a very welcome step by Herald Goa because starting a business and making it successful is an important task as not everyone is guaranteed a job today. Business entrepreneurs are creating and providing job opportunities; hence, encouraging and recognising businesses for their contribution is very important.
In that sense.
Goa’s business history has a very illustrious past and the state is also the highest per capita state in India. Goa is known for its manufacturing base and in the last two to three decades, it has ventured into the service sector, hence there is a need to celebrate the business excellence of both rising entrepreneurs and seasoned business people.
The nominees are excellent, and what stood out for me was the great number of nominees who are working in the field of IT — this shows that Goa has the potential to become India’s next IT hub, like Bangalore or Hyderabad.


Iddhar Udhar