29 Feb 2024  |   06:16am IST

Finding your way in the new emerging order

Goa next2024 a summit which will bring together the finest minds from the fields of it, tech, regenerative tourism , start up eco-system , future skills and the future of business promises to be an event of glorious disruption. The event will be on March 2
Finding your way in the new emerging order

Team Cafe

The summit organised by the Herald will bring together companies with a heritage as well as startups that are in the thick of all the action. It will bring together some of the sharpest brains in the business together to interact and to present plans to take business forward. 

Regenerative Tourism: Redefining Sustainability

Amitava Bhattacharya - Moderator

Designation: Founder Director of Contact Base ( banglanatakdotcom ) and Social Entrepreneur

In Goa, the gap between tourism and the local communities is on the rise which may be a point of concern, thus I feel the upcoming discussions to be held at the upcoming Summit are important, on regenerative tourism, keeping sustainability in mind, benefiting local stakeholders, involving local communities, tapping the untapped skill, using tourism as a vehicle for development.

Rupinder Brar - Speaker

Designation: IRS, Additional Secretary, Govt of India

I'm looking forward to a lot of exchange of ideas, and listening to everybody, because at the end of the day, if you are talking of sustainability and talking of tourism, it's all about learning the collaborative networks and the various elements that go towards the creation of a sustainable framework for tourism. And so there's going to be a lot of learning, there's going to be a lot of give and take, and I'm sure we shall all be much richer at the end of this conference.

Maria Victor - Speaker

Designation: Founder, Make it Happen

 At the Herald Goa Next 2024 Summit, I’m excited to connect with like minded individuals who are passionate about creating a positive change in the tourism industry. I’m looking forward to exchanging and collaborating over new ideas and strategies for promoting sustainable practices that benefit local communities and the environment.

Parag Rangnekar - Speaker

Designation: Director, Mrugaya Xpeditions

 I think the travel industry is growing very fast and not just the travel industry but the traveller must be also sustainable in the way he/she chooses where they go and what they do. From that context, this topic is very crucial.  The Herald Goa Next 2024 summit has an amazing set of speakers and some very interesting panel discussions as well. So I'm looking forward to listening to all these stalwarts and taking back some good learning.

Navigating the Startup Ecosystem: Challenges and Opportunities

Vincent Toscano - Moderator

Designation: Managing Partner, Uzoorba Technologies

Since before its liberation. Goa has been suffering chronic brain drain which sadly continues even today. This is either due to the unavailability of modern well-paying livelihoods in Goa or due to the misfit of Goan’s prevailing skill sets with the demands and the requirements of the industries that operate in Goa.

As a result, the unique Goan identity within the Indian Union has diluted severely over the years, and if any semblance of it is to be preserved for posterity, then a wide range of solutions have to be explored and implemented on a war footing in Goa. One of the very promising solutions for this is entrepreneurship and hence start-ups by Goans in Goa. I expect the many great minds that will be attending the Summit to come up with impactful, practical and immediately actionable solutions in this direction.

DS Prashant - Speaker

Designation: Chief Executive Officer - Startup and IT Promotion Cell, DITEC, Government of Goa

In today's dynamic economic landscape the topic of navigating the start-up ecosystem challenges and opportunities carries significant importance with start ups increasingly recognized as key drivers of innovation and economic growth. Understanding the intricacies of this ecosystem is essential by looking into the challenges entrepreneurs face, the opportunities that are available and the support infrastructure which is in place. Stakeholders can better navigate the complex world of startups. This understanding will empower the entrepreneurs to make more informed decisions.

Dr Sriram Natarajan - Speaker

Designation: CEO, Molbio Diagnostics

India is bustling with start up activity with innovations happening in every sphere of industry. As we all know, innovations are the key drivers for future economic growth. The government has recognised this and initiated many schemes to help start up companies. However, we still need a robust ecosystem to ensure that these start up companies are empowered to take the renovations from the laboratory, from the bench to scale. And for this, we can not only depend on the government, but we also need the private sector to get involved and provide the right mentorship. We look forward to deliberating on this in the coming panel discussion and see how a robust ecosystem can be built.

Sachin Karnik - Speaker

Designation: Founder and CEO, The Great Unicorn Hunt

Navigating the startup ecosystem is an extremely relevant topic considering the vibrancy that India is seeing in terms of burgeoning startup ecosystem. Clearly the startup ecosystem is evolving very rapidly, the phase where ideas and copycat models were prevalent has become history, there’s a lot of sanity that has checked in on both investors' sides as well as founders' sides. So navigating this is clearly a big challenge that both investors and founders face so certainly a very relevant topic for the participants.

Since I'm conducting a fundraising workshop for the participants and I'm also part of the panel, which is about me navigating the startup ecosystem, I'm absolutely looking forward to all the other participants. I see some terrific names as a part of the panel. I see some terrific names even in the other panels and in the list of attendees and the participants.

Maj Gen Rtd Inderabalan - Speaker

The emergence of India as a recognisable power in the multipolar world order as also the emergence of war zones in different parts of the world has made it an imperative for India to achieve self-reliance in the field of defence, its production, defence R&D and defence innovation. India is the world's largest defence equipment importer and is expected to spend around $220 billion in the coming decade to modernise its armed forces.

In recent years the government of India has initiated various schemes like Make in India, Startup India, Atal Innovation Missions to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the Indian Commercial Ecosystem. The ministry of defence aims to create an ecosystem which fosters innovation and encourages technological development in defence by encouraging R&D institutes, academia, industries, startups and even individual innovators. This is where we find that the startup ecosystem, specifically which has an orientation towards dual use technology or high tech technologies, is having a major stake in achieving India's self-reliance.

Disrupting Industries: Future of Business

Prof Ujjwal Chowdhury - Moderator

Designation: Educator, Director, MET Institute of Mass Media

I'm happy to moderate the session that focuses on business disruptions, particularly in the context of post-pandemic tourism disruptions and tourism evolution to the next level, next paradigm, alongside the fourth and the fifth industrial revolution technologies – technologies connected to artificial intelligence and machine learning, cybersecurity, blockchains, AR and VR and how they can impact positively the scenario of Goan economy and business.

Raj Kapoor - Speaker

Designation: Founder, India Blockchain Alliance

I'm going to be speaking about a very important subject: how to future-proof your business. Using emerging technology, a lot of businesses are struggling of late because they are stuck in the traditional mould and they want to explore how to get into the tech space as there is a whole movement of digital transformation. I will address how to move our traditional businesses and existing tech businesses into new emerging tech. Looking forward to meeting with industry leaders, lead thought leaders, and anyone keen on seeing the new digital transformation of new India – Atmanirbhar India.


Utpal Chakraborty - Speaker

Designation: Chief Technology 

Officer at IntellAI Neotech, Data and Quantum Scientist

The topic discusses the future of business and how industries have been transformed by cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning and quantum computing. These are going to transform our lives. Other technologies like blockchain, Metaverse and more are revolutionary technologies that will transform the business landscape. Businesses will hence need to adapt quickly.

Ravi Devulapally - Speaker

Designation: Founder and CEO, Instinct Technologies

Disruption has been a part of our history, pushing us to constantly innovate and that is what we are celebrating at this Summit.  

I am looking forward to sharing personal experiences, stories of disruptions, sparks of inspiration, and discovering how today’s challenges are being turned into tomorrow’s opportunities. Want to hear from business leaders how technology and other ideas will blend to shape our future.

Global Economic Outlook and Financial Markets

 Damodar Kochkar - Moderator

Designation: Former President, Verna Industries Association

I am looking forward to seeing that some good suggestions come from all this. And now we are going in the right direction. What I'm finding is people are talking about big, big business, but there is no focused approach and particular direction. So this great mindset to come together and find out some solutions in that regard for Goa.

Satish Kottakota - Speaker

Designation: CFO, Tharka Inc

At the Herald GoaNext I'm seriously looking forward to interacting with the who's who of industry in our country, who are very successful in their own respective path and creeds are going to be coming together and talking. So I'm really excited to interact with all the participants and all the speakers that are lined up. I'm very excited and looking forward to that at the end of the day. I would like to go home. Considering what the India overall market looks like, how can Goa be a great destination for the New Age? Companies need not be the start of how to go where the market can be an exciting space. 

You know, I think there is a huge opportunity for, you know, this location the states link over to flourish because it is close to all developed states. 

One of the best or the largest probably in India in terms of the tourism and good education and literacy ratio, good talent availability, making it all physically a great location. If the government and the respective authorities in detail and I heard it during the incorporation or early stage of the business, etc., etc., 

I would see not just startups while they start to see the people because for the meeting not to start out with any company, then the Genz or any new age company can successfully operate out of GOA and bring a good value proposition between the investors, employers, employees and the government. Of course. And all this resulted in benefits to the population of Goa

Wency Mendes - Speaker

Designation: Researcher, (documentary) filmmaker

Goa has always been resource-rich, self-sufficient and sustainable. Today, it is critical to understand and negotiate how Goa engages with the global economy. I’m looking for thought-provoking engagements and interactions with diverse people through dialogue.

Kingshuk Sarkar  - Speaker

Designation: Associate Professor at Goa Institute of Management

I'll be speaking at the Herald Goa 2024 summit. And we'll be speaking on the topic of global economic outlook and how India and Goa can prosper within that context. There are positives and negatives in the form of different challenges in the present economic scenario, global economic scenario in the sense that there are some wars going on that creates a dampener. But again, at the same time, there are opportunities and India is poised to take advantage of those opportunities and Goa being the highest per capita income state in India. It is well positioned to take advantage of the economic resilience that India showed during and after the COVID pandemic. I'm very eager to listen to my fellow panellist and look forward to open discussions with the audience and in the process I look forward to learning, interacting and taking the conversation forward.

Future Skills: Adapting to the Evolving Job Market

Nitin Kunkolienkar - Moderator

Designation: Ex- President, Manufacturers Association of Information technology (MAIT), Ex President, GCCI

Currently, about 67% of India's population lies in the working age group, and approximately 25% of the incremental global flows over the next decade will come from India. So by 2030, India's working-age population will exceed 1 billion, and under them, the population is rapidly ageing. In the developed world, nearly 49% of the total enrollment of higher education consists of female students.

India should expect a much larger population of women in the workforce in the years to come. So this presents a unique opportunity for India to support the global workforce with its skill-based talent, which also includes the largest pool of English speaking STEM graduates with an annual addition of 2.14 million that is 47% women and 6.2 million healthcare professionals, which include doctors and nursing staff.

So the large pool of skilled and unskilled labour with a relatively inelastic labour market provides a long run for improving productivity at the fees faster than the growth in wages. With a meridian age of 28.4 years. It's young India, which not only reinforces India's competitive advantage in the services and manufacturing sector but also unleashes the consumption power of the young population towards discretionary expenditure. I’m thoroughly impressed with the initiative of Herald publication by organising Herald Goa Next 2024. It’s an apt time to discuss and re-evaluate the existing policies and keep in mind the future. So I look forward to an effective engagement of the experts and scholars and very eminent personalities discussing the topic of the vision 2050 and how Goa is getting all set for that.

Dr Brillian SK - Speaker

Designation: Executive Vice President & Chief People Officer - TimesPRO

The saying, what got you here won't get you there by Dr Goldsmith holds more relevant than ever before in today's rapidly evolving landscape. With the advent of AI shifting work dynamics and evolving workplace culture skills that were effective in the past may no longer be applicable. Hosting the panel on future skills will help provide valuable insights for MSMEs startups and emerging companies seeking to identify and adapt to changing needs.

Dr Jayanta Chakravorty - Speaker

Designation: Founder, Asentrek Global

I am excited to interact with some master brains across the platform and learn some new things. The World Economic Forum has already mentioned that there will be almost more than 80 million jobs created by 2027. And India has a huge pool of youth talents that need skill. Gone are the days of the degrees and now the days are for mastery. So there will be a lot of new learning, a lot of new ideas.

 Dr Anuraag Rai - Speaker

Designation: PhD, C-Suite Leadership Consultant

The topic addresses a significant opportunity and the challenge which every state in the country is facing today, and the policymakers have rightly made up their mind to invest in future skilling. Now it's time also to continue with the discussions and the debates on this topic about how the stakeholders are going to receive the benefit from this investment which is made by the State and Center.

 Manuel Fernandes - Speaker

Designation: Global HR Consultant

I'm so excited to be a part of the Goa summit 2024. I’ll be talking about future skills and adapting to the evolving  job markets. I think this topic of discussion is very significant because it directly impacts people, growth of the industries as well as the economy of the nation. So I'm looking forward to having wonderful discussions with all of you wonderful people.


Iddhar Udhar