16 Apr 2024  |   05:08am IST

Letter to the editor (16 April 2024)

Allow banyan tree to get strong foundation

Some days back, a 200-year-old banyan tree at St Inez was felled under the cover of darkness, the pretext been to widen the roads and smarten the city. The tree was translocated to a site at Campal ground and the next day was moved some metres away. Subsequently, a green multipurpose agro shade net was wrapped and tied around the tree (O Heraldo 12.4.2024). One wonders as to who advised such a warped idea to cover the tree which would be slowly rejuvenating in its new found place and would need sunshine and air. Let us allow the banyan tree to lower its aerial prop roots and get a strong foundation at its new home. Hopefully, the tree would be still under the net and does not vanish like the way P C Sorcar the magician used to make Taj Mahal, railway station and elephants disappear in a jiffy!  

Sridhar D Iyer, Caranzalem

Politicians resort to use-and-dump policy

Once in five years, we see politicians take all the trouble to go to every house, meet people and talk to them canvassing for votes. It's good but today, if one can say, every voter has become wise going to the polling booths and then being cheated.

Yes, it's true. So many promises were made in 2014 but they have remained in the oblivion only to haunt voters. People are still waiting for their accounts to be credited with Rs 15 lakh as promised. Free gas cylinders to the poor has only been a dream till date, petrol prices have never seen a fall to make driving/riding beneficial to the users, particularly those going to offices, protecting the girl child has only been a kind of hype and little ones as old as five years are being raped and murdered, promise of jobs to the educated and the list goes on endlessly. 

This year too before the Lok Sabha elections to be held in Goa on May 7, politicians are out in the heat of the sun taking all the trouble to meet their voters. Some talk sense while others blot out stupidity and many others give vain promises. 

Our interests are state issues facing and threatening our existence. One would say: all the political parties are good but some who fight the election are changing partners in sheep skin. Apart from monetary gain, self interests and the entertainment the people will be offered, let us, Goenkars, stay alert to sensitive issues of Goan interests and a party that will uphold our country's Constitution, our dignity and democratic governance to bring us the pride of living with respect and honour. 

Ayres Sequeira, Salvador do Mundo

Generic overshadowed by multinationals

The multinationals have totally captured the medical industry, some chemists are doing eye-wash or giving discounts and most of the doctors are acting as their commission agents in looting the public and filling their coffers and nowadays even the judiciary seems favouring them. The novel way adopted by doctors is to charge minimum consultations fees and force them to shell money for multiple tests and buying a long list of medicines.

It has become a prestige issue to spend heavily on medicines for getting med claims and blame self on getting peanut refund. We blindly have fallen prey to this racket and ignored alternatives made available to us. The generic medicines have come in the market having different brand names with the same medical composition and at very less cost compared to that sold by multinationals. The awareness of the public in general and Government in particular for this is lacking. The Govt run hospitals, pharmacies,MPT/ PSU’s etc. have not yet switched over to generic medicines for fear of losing the commission from bottom to top and continuing heavy burden on exchequer. It is high time one realizes alternatives rather than complaining of cost rise and running after so called meagre discount. It is hoped the Government sets an example in switching over to generic medicines.

Bhalchandra V S Priolkar, Margao

Vote wisely to choose parliamentarians

In a democracy, power lies in the hands of the people and it is imperative for every eligible voter to exercise their right judiciously. Before election, their words are the most beautiful ever uttered on behalf of democracy. But once elected, they conveniently become amnesiac. People are also equally responsible for the problems affecting their country. Accountability punctures the facade that government builds to fool people. Consider the track record, integrity, and commitment of candidates before casting your vote. It is essential for voters to recognise the power of their votes in shaping the nation’s future. 

Electing MPs who prioritise the welfare of their constituents and exhibit dedication to their parliamentary duties is crucial for effective governance and representation.  

K G Vilop, Chorao


Iddhar Udhar