16 Oct 2020  |   05:11am IST

The most wonderful job in the world

The most wonderful  job in the world

Elwyn Decruz

And it’s only for you.

Here’s what you need to do to get this job right away, before you finish reading this offer. The job we’re talking about is not just the greatest, most wonderful job in the world, but also the most rewarding; the perks are unlimited, you never need to clock in, you will never need to answer to a billionaire boss whose suspicion you are always under, its free from all petty office politics, and most of all, it’s a job from which you can never get fired because its all about you. And hey, payday is every day, in fact, every moment of the day. While the rewards are unlimited, we will disclose the payout currency before you read the last line of this Job Notice.

Here’s how you apply. Close your eyes and make yourself aware that you are one with the Cosmos. For indeed you are, and you know this because every time you take a breath, the air you just inhaled came to you from the nearest tree. That tree absorbs your breath, and with the magical chemistry of sunlight produces the oxygen that sustains all life on this earth that you survive in. Every cell in your body is in ceaseless communication with every molecule and sub-atomic particle in the entire Universe. Its what science now tells us. 

This then is your world, your workplace, your responsibility, to maintain, to enhance, to create, and provide prosperity and peace to every animate object of your creation. Responsibility means, your “ability” to “respond”.

Everything “out there” that you can see, hear, smell, touch or taste can only be experienced by you, by the five senses that are your indispensable possessions.  That’s incentive enough for you to make everything better, more beautiful. 

To fulfill the job on hand Mother Nature has provided the soil, the air, the seas, the rivers, the earth in all its beauty and perfection.

However, as a human species we have mercilessly, willfully, blindly destroyed almost everything in our charge. Instead of living in a state of  happiness and then promote ourselves to a state of ecstasy, we destroyed our world beyond recognition. Our exquisite domain, our infinitely wondrous world, has now turned against us. 

It’s time we look for every available solution, and this is the “final call”. It’s time we stopped being the problem and instead become the solution. The imminent and urgent tasks that lie ahead are all laid out for us every single day in the newspapers, news channels and social media. The vicious cacophony has risen to such high decibels that we can’t actually hear anything anymore. We have been totally rendered immune to all that’s happening around us. The degree of moral and civil conduct of our social and political societies has sunk to such depths that we have begun to believe that we will never rise or be rescued from this quagmire of degradation and despair.

This is not to discourage you, or prompt you to resign even before you started your first day on this “most wonderful job in the world”. On the contrary, its designed to fire you up and encourage you to sharpen your saber before to embark upon this most enticing and challenging task, the battlefield of life. Here’s your arsenal which consists of the most effective and lethal weaponry created to conquer and vanquish any and all possible obstacles you will encounter, anywhere, anytime. 

We now present you with the secret key that permits you to enter and select what you are going to need to take the fight forward.

Sit still, relaxed, spine erect on a comfortable chair, eyes shut, breath steady and normal, stay aware of each inhalation and exhalation, in a spot as quiet and secluded as you can find for at least 20 minutes. Now remember that the Source of Creation actually dwells within you, and that’s the reason you are actually alive. That Source is infinite energy. And it all belongs to you to use at your disposal, at your discretion. Yours. And its all within you, an infinite storehouse of energy, wisdom, courage, compassion, perception, intellect, love and eternal bliss. Yes, go there, find it.

That’s the Currency your pay packet consists of. All yours. There’s enough to share with everyone, and then more to do it all over again. 

Twenty minutes, Job Application complete, you are now ready to go out there with all guns blazing. Get it? Got it! Good. What are we waiting for! Let’s go out there and take on the world.

Like Charity, Redemption begins at home. In fact, they are one and the same word. Let’s start right here in Goa. Home, and Home is where the Heart is. Today, right now, is the best time to step up to the plate, go out onto the maidan, pick up your Cross and join the ranks of the great Goan warriors who are ceaselessly fighting to make this small but hugely magnificent State the way its Citizens want it to be. Select one or more of the problems and projects they are fighting for or against, one where you can offer your new-found “inner power”. There are dozens of simultaneous battles being waged every day on every political, social, environmental and religious platform. Scan pages of this stout-hearted, truly Goan newspaper you are reading to acquire the information and knowledge of what’s happening around the many villages, towns and farms. Know thine enemy, Knowledge is Power.

Every protest or legal battle lost, causes irreparable damage to the people and the State, which means the loss of a unique way of life that only the people of Goa can understand. 

The stakes are too high. Goa needs you, don’t let her down. Do what you can; what you cannot do, forget it. Pick up your courage, go out and fight, bhivpache garaz na. 

(The author is now a permanent resident of Goa after many years of living in Mumbai, New York and London)


Iddhar Udhar