22 Jun 2018  |   04:45am IST

(Un)answered prayer

Desiree Fernandes

Many amongst us, who practice our faith through different mediums believing in the existence of a sovereign power, will lend ourselves to a life of prayer. What our lips may utter in prayerful silence or through written petitions may not necessarily find favour with the Almighty above. Often the things that we truly desire may not be a prerequisite for our overall well being. And thus this wishful thinking may leave us in despair wanting for more or drive our sanity in psychic fragments. Still many of us find ourselves born into a specific household which is governed by religious dictates and prescribed rituals. Seeking assistance through our specific faiths helps us navigate the unforeseen contingencies. Even though some may be compelled to follow the family beliefs, still not many may seek solace from their faith with mere justifications that our destiny is shaped by our intuitions and guided by laws that command us to adhere to them.

The privileged few, who faithfully accept that religion enhances their purpose and teaches them the gospel truths, may gladly find themselves attending solemn rituals, retreat sessions or listen to podcasts wherein spiritual gurus or preachers deliver heart moving dialogues that coerce one to fully live up to their calling in life. 

It's all good when we earn a decent salary that covers our necessities and contribute a part of it to charitable institutions in the hope that these altruistic acts will lend credibility to our stature and absolve us. All this accomplishments while also committing to our religious obligations. It's the ones who are spiritually poor and humbling in their countenance that seek their creator in ashrams or away from the maddening crowds and the hustle and bustle of a humdrum lifestyle. 

Recently on a vacation, I found myself in solitude in a shrine profusely expressing my gratitude for the immense blessings  and was reckoning whether my creator would plead my trivial request. All this with the intention to sincerely pray for a comrade.

On my return a few days later I received a call from a dear friend who had intentions of meeting up and had bought me a few religious tokens. She had just returned from an outstation retreat that had left her disappointed. She disclosed that she had gone there to seek healing and was hopeful of a little miracle. I retorted saying that God's ways and timings are not always aligned with our yearnings. Sometimes it's a lesson that awaits our learning until the moment we are enlightened and come to terms with the circumstances. On receiving the tokens I learnt that God had used her as a messenger to answer my prayers. She candidly spilled the beans that the tokens were handed over to her by the very comrade whom I had  petitioned for. 

To end the story, I acknowledged my gratefulness and directly corresponded with my comrade. What we ask and receive are at times not commensurate with the plans that are laid in our path.


Iddhar Udhar