19 Feb 2018  |   06:01am IST

Lenten Season

Joseph Lewis D’Silva

The one desire, for many, is to make lent a penitential one through meditation as Lenten season is a time to examine one’s thoughts and feelings which are spoilt by walking in the wilderness of pleasure; “forsaking sinful ways”. Many have the desire to make it a penitential one by imitating Jesus who spent 40 days fasting in the desert, confronting the “demons” of power, popularity and relevance.

From the dawn of history down to the present age, what strikes one most forcefully about human behaviour is the hunger for power. Look at Pharaoh who wanted to rule the world. Look at Nimrod who shot an arrow into the sky hoping to kill God. We long for worldly power. We willingly do almost anything to get it. This poisonous thing called power is so intoxicating that once its effect gets into one’s head, it corrodes humility. Lent is the time to win the manna of humility and dry away “the sea of troubles” that comes with pride.

Men want their popularity graph to shoot up and never to come down because name and fame commands tremendous respect. This is because men focus their attention on the outer things rather than inner values which keeps them away from inner self -- their soul. During Lent, men struggle with the demon of popularity, for “It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.”

The observances, of the ancient spiritual practices during Lent, were of fasting, prayer, and alms-giving as a method of self-renewal. Fasting is the method of dying to self. With this in mind, Christians fast, and abstain on certain days during Lent. They desist from swinish gluttony which makes man self-centered and pleasure-seeking. But the purpose of Lent is not just "giving up" specific type of food, but it is about change of heart by breaking bad habits of selfishness through self-denial. Prophet Isaiah insists that fasting without changing one’s behavior is not pleasing to God. “( Is. 58). 

“Prayer is talking to God in silence.” It is a whisper from the soul with one’s own words. It is woven with the fabric of faith. It draws one closer to the Lord. So, in Lenten piety, people pray not for any worldly desire but for strength and self-control, to face inner conflicts and suffering in life. Prayer helps us oppose and defeat all the attractive temptations of the world that keep us alienated from God. 

Alms-giving encourages sharing with the poor through donation. But Charity, need not, necessary be, in the form of money; it could be a help in the house to an elderly neighbour, doing their shopping or the gardening. The Prophet said, “Even a smile for your brother is charity.”

During this Lenten period, Christians do penance to mend their evil ways and spiritually grow closer to God. The effect of penance is the returns to the repentant sinner the sanctifying grace from the Holy Spirit.

The annual Lenten season is thus a period for conscious spiritual renewal and growth. This fire of remedial drill during Lent makes Christians pure by changing their attitude of sinfulness; just like the impurities in gold are removed by exposing it through the flames of fire. Lenten piety gives peace and inner beauty.


Idhar Udhar