18 Jan 2017  |   11:24pm IST

Prove that we can live peacefully

Savio D’Costa

We as Indian citizens have been through a very bad crises after the BJP came to power, we never thought what was in store for us when we chose to give our country in the hands of such a gross and arrogant political leadership. The time has come to cast our votes to the candidates that will fight back and stand for our rights as Indian citizens and restore that hope of trusting leaders to bring that uniformity and equality of treating us fairly as Indian citizens and not based on our religion or cultures. We have been through enough and it's the right time to choose the right leaders who will listen to the common man and not to the business giants who have succeeded in looting the country, it's not too late to bring our country back on the democratic pace that was slowing down due to the BJP leaders who have tried to rule with dictatorship. 

We have been made guinea pigs to experiment on extreme level of finance naming it "Demonetisation" where there was a motive to convert black into white which has benefited big business giants and has only managed to slow down the economy bringing it down to negative one percent. The Demonetisation was a great move but could have been handled with proper planning and with a strategy, looks like there was a purpose of it's own when the decision was made intentionally taking into consideration only the personal benefit of the leaders and their partners in crime, with this they've only managed to beset the country of economic woes and without any provision to meet the needs of the common man who have suffered and some have even lost their assets. 

There is no turning back from bringing the common man to power to see the real change that was just a dream which will be a reality. With great hope and high expectation we will bring the Common Man to Power to take care of Indian citizens making good use and availing all beneficial and rightful  schemes that were only released to some with political discrimination of religions, castes & customs.

We are the common man we see all Indians with the same view, we are not Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jains or Parsis. We are Indians and will prove that we can live in peace and harmony again.


Iddhar Udhar