03 Dec 2021  |   05:16am IST

Young Francis makes amends for pride

Young Francis makes  amends for pride

Joseph Lewis D’Silva

It is not uncommon, that we come across people, whom we think that they are too proud; because the way they behave with us is offensive; because they neither have the ‘sweet words of salutations’ nor a simple bow or a smile of greetings. So, we label them as proud.

There are different types of pride. Some are possessed with the pride of self admiration. It makes them feel that they are better than others in terms of wealth, appearance, status, popularity. Others are gripped with the pride in knowledge. It makes one think that one is all knowing. It leads to lots of arguments and which does not make one to listen to anyone.

The Bible history tells us that Lucifer, once a bright celestial being, was so absorbed by his glory that he rebelled against God. So, he was banished from the divine presence; and came to be known as Satan. In John Milton’s epic, ‘Paradise Lost’, Satan unites his disappointed followers with this strong assurance: ‘Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven’.

Young Francis spent his boyhood days in an atmosphere of faith. His family sent him to Paris for studies where he was thrown into quite a different atmosphere. There, he was ‘like a ship without rudder’ in the absence of the guiding action of his mother. He could not manage his finances and live within his allowances. History tells us that Francis had his fair share in the ‘diversion, frivolities and follies’ of the student life of his day in Paris. He took special delight and pride in high jump and became one of the first high-jumpers on the island Aux Vaches.

Early Catholic theologians believed that pride is the main of the ‘seven deadly sins’ as identified by Pope Gregory 1; these are, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth and greed. Ignatius by constantly repeating into Francis' ears, the gospel text: “What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?” led to his conversion.

Francis soon made an unpleasant penance for his pride. With Spiritual Exercises, he repented for the pleasure and pride he had taken in his favourite food and drink. He tied a string round his thighs, body and arms so tight that with the strained movement it sank deep into the flesh. It could neither be cut nor removed with disastrous effect to his health and life. His limbs swelled and covered the cord which he had used, beyond any possibility of cutting it. But after much agony the cord, fixed most deeply in his flesh, broke by the singular mercy of God, and he became completely well’; we get all this account from the book written by P. Rayanna, s.j. titled Francis’ life and his shrine.

It is pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. The scriptures exhorts us, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Mt. 23:12).

St. Ignatius said on bidding farewell to Xavier during his Indian mission: “Go set fire to the whole world.” The Goa Xavier came to, had been the settlement of Muslims. Xavier lived in the royal hospital to nurse the sick and help the dying.

Yes Francis Xavier realised that pride is the cancer of the spirit. 


Iddhar Udhar