05 May 2024  |   06:05am IST

Beyond Ballots: Empowering India’s Youth in the Lok Sabha Elections


As the Lok Sabha elections take place across India, there is an undeniable wave of excitement, particularly palpable among the youth. Goa, set to vote on May 7th, embodies a perfect example of how this election is far more than a periodic democratic exercise. It represents a decisive opportunity for millions of young Indians to significantly influence their country’s future path. This momentous occasion can determine the immediate and long-term trajectory of the nation.

The Power and Responsibility of Young Voters:

India, with its substantial demographic dividend, finds itself at a critical junction where young voters hold a pivotal position. Their electoral decisions have the potential to sway election outcomes dramatically. However, this influence comes with the substantial responsibility of making informed, strategic choices that emphasize long-term national welfare over fleeting benefits. Political parties, recognizing the importance of the youth vote, often tailor their platforms to resonate with young electorates, promising development, empowerment, and innovation. In this charged atmosphere, it is crucial for young voters to distinguish between mere promises and achievable commitments, focusing on realistic and effective policies.

Choosing Development over Divisive Ideologies:

During election seasons, the intensity of competition can often lead to a surge in religious and ideological rhetoric used by some parties to gather support. However, it is essential for young voters to prioritize agendas that offer tangible socio-economic benefits. They should achampion political platforms that prioritize job creation, educational opportunities, and technological advancements rather than those that foster division based on religious or ideological lines. Choosing leaders who propose robust economic policies, focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship, and skill enhancement, will address the urgent challenge of unemployment and propel India toward sustainable development.

Addressing Social Issues through Informed Voting:

Numerous social issues, such as drug abuse, affect India’s youth disproportionately and demand immediate action from the country’s leaders. Young voters should look to support political parties that present actionable and comprehensive strategies to tackle these problems, with a focus on prevention, rehabilitation, and community involvement. This informed voting can lead to effective solutions that make a long-lasting impact on the well-being of the young population.

Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development:

Holistic development is essential for a progressive society where every young person has the opportunity to succeed. This includes access to quality education, good healthcare, and an environment that nurtures creativity and innovation. Young voters should evaluate the track records and platforms of political parties, looking for those who genuinely consider young people as crucial contributors to the nation’s future, not just as voters. 

This scrutiny ensures that their choices at the polls support parties committed to transparency, accountability, and visionary governance.

The Importance of Civic Engagement:

Voting is just the beginning of civic engagement for young voters. Active participation in political discussions, community forums, and civic activities is crucial. Such involvement does more than enrich the democratic process—it ensures that elected officials remain accountable and responsive to the needs of their constituents. Young people must use their collective voice to demand greater transparency in governance and insist on regular updates on the progress of initiatives that directly affect their lives.

Beyond Short-Term Solutions: The Role of Goan Youth:

In Goa, particularly, young voters, including new and first-time participants, have immense power to shape their state’s future. As they step into the realm of democratic participation, it is paramount that they look beyond the allure of immediate gratification from populist measures. Instead, they should advocate for long-term policies that lay a strong foundation for sustained progress and prosperity. By prioritizing initiatives that offer long-term benefits over short-term relief, Goan youth can drive transformative agendas that benefit not only their generation but also future ones.

A Call to Vote for a Brighter Tomorrow:

As the Lok Sabha elections progress, the message to every young Indian and Goan is clear: Your vote is a powerful tool—use it wisely to promote the development and betterment of the nation. Look beyond the immediate and superficial, and choose leaders and parties that promise not only growth but also a comprehensive and inclusive approach to the challenges facing India today. Let this election be a testament to the power of India’s youth. Vote not for short-term promises or divisive rhetoric, but for a future where every Indian can prosper. By actively engaging in the electoral process and making informed choices, young voters have the power to shape a brighter tomorrow for themselves and future generations.

(Peter F. Borges, with over 21 years of experience working with children and young people, serves as the Hon’ble Chairperson of the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights)


Idhar Udhar