28 Mar 2021  |   05:14am IST

The living waters of hope

The living waters of hope

Another entry into Holy Week amidst Pandemic! Pope Francis invites us to renew our faith, hope and Love as he focused on three theological virtues in his 2021 Lenten message, appealing the faithful to “renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God.”

Emphasizing his reflection on the Paschal Mystery, the Pope says, “This Lenten journey is even now illumined by the light of the resurrection, which inspires the thoughts, attitudes and decisions of the followers of Jesus.” He goes on to say that the journey of conversion, through fasting, prayer, almsgiving, “makes it possible for us to live lives of sincere faith by accepting and bearing witness to the truth; through living waters of hope, and charity - a form of effective love”!

The Holy Father elucidates accepting and living the truth revealed in Christ means, opening our hearts to God’s word. The truth which is not an abstract concept reserved for a chosen intelligent few. Instead, a message that all of us can receive and understand the God, who loves us even before we are aware of it! That Christ himself is this truth. By taking on our humanity, he has made himself the way – demanding, yet opens to all that leads to the fullness of life. That, Lent is a time for believing, for welcoming God into our lives and allowing Him to make His dwelling in us!

Pope Francis relates the virtue of hope to the ‘living water’ that Jesus promises the Samaritan woman at the well. That it is not the physical water the woman is expecting, but rather the rivers of Joy that she experienced and shared with the villagers! Who came to seek that living water with hope in their hearts! Even though hope may seem challenging in these fragile and uncertain times, Lent is precisely the season of hope, when we turn back to God.

Love is a leap of the heart, says Pope Francis. It brings us out of ourselves and creates bonds of sharing and communion. The Holy Father emphasizes the need for social love in building up a civilization of love. “Love he says is a gift that gives meaning to our lives”. Charity is multiplied when given with love, as we see not only in the Scriptures, but in our own lives, too, when we give alms with joy and simplicity.

The Pontiff says to experience Lent with love, is to care for those who suffer or feel abandoned because of the Covid-19 pandemic. He invites us to speak words of reassurance, and help others to realize that God loves us.

After reminding us that “every moment of our lives is a time for believing, hoping, and loving,” Pope Francis concludes by saying: “The call to experience Lent as a journey of conversion, prayer and sharing of our goods, helps us – as communities and as individuals to revive the faith that comes from the living Christ, the hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit and the love flowing from the merciful heart of the Father.”

My reflection hails the compassion of St. Joseph, who chose to save Mary from public disgrace which is another form of charity, to uphold respect and dignity! May our gaze transform the lives of our brothers and sisters like that of Peter when Jesus gave a loving gaze at him after he denied and our charities enable the dignity of others to be recognized, to be restored!


Iddhar Udhar