24 May 2024  |   06:23am IST

After backlash, govt completes drain construction at Opa Jn in record time

The sudden closure of the highway stretch created traffic chaos and left locals worried that the digging would continue into the monsoon season
After backlash, govt completes drain construction at Opa Jn in record time

Team Herald

PONDA: Locals at Opa-Khandepar are breathing a collective sigh of relief as the contractor managed to complete the cross-drain work by May 22, within a record seven days. The road is now anticipated to be open for use by June 4, coinciding with the reopening of schools.

The sudden road closure at the junction on the highway for the cross-drain culvert construction on May 15 had upset the villagers.  The timing of the road digging, just before the monsoon season, had raised fears among residents that the project could be delayed for up to six months due to the rain.

Locals had strongly advocated for the expedited completion of the work and even called for the deployment of two traffic police officers at the Opa-Khandepar junction to manage the situation. The issue was highlighted by O Heraldo on May 16. The road is crucial as highway traffic on the Khandepar bridge passes through this junction due to the incomplete work on the bridge’s approach road.

The unexpected road closure had caused confusion, leading to chaos and an increased risk of accidents at the site. While locals are now relieved by the swift completion of the cross-drain work, they have demanded the removal of the mud dump at the site, which poses a risk to commuters as the road can become slippery during the monsoon.

An official from the National Highway Authority has assured that all work will be completed before the onset of the monsoon.


Idhar Udhar