01 Apr 2024  |   06:08am IST

Breach of NH road medians need immediate attention of authorities

Breach of NH road medians need immediate attention of authorities


The road median on the NH66 has been breached near the Colvale bridge on the adjoining road proceeding to St Rita's High School by some miscreants to cross the road towards Camurli and Chicalim, with their two-wheelers illegally. Similar breaches can be seen along the national highways across the State. These breaches put the lives of motorists in danger and could lead to major accidents and even fatalities.

It is not as if the authorities or the contractor constructing these roads are unaware, but they turn a blind eye to these breaches as the road designs are faulty and locals have to travel kilometres to take a U-turn and cross the road.

Therefore, on an immediate basis, these breaches should be rectified to avoid any accidents. Secondly, the road engineering also needs rectification with either a grade separator or an underpass. The government needs to pay attention to these issues inorder to prevent accidents and fatalities.


Iddhar Udhar