27 May 2024  |   06:23am IST

Concrete slab goes down the drain in Panjim

Concrete slab goes down  the drain in Panjim

Roque Fernandes Panjim

A new concrete slab of a drain in Sao Tome ward, Panjim has collapsed even before it was constructed raising volumes of questions over the quality of material used  by the authorities concerned. Locals and tourists move around in the area and the gaping hole poses a risk to life and limb. Contactors employed by the civic bodies always use sub-standard material to make a quick buck when the sun shines.

The authorities should realise that all these so called developments and repairs of gutters and drains is done at the cost of the exchequer. When public money like this is poured down the drain by contractors employed by city fathers or whoever, then there is a vicarious liability on the part of the wrongdoers to either pay for the damages or reconstruct such gutters. 

Will the authorities tell us as to who will be responsible if some unsuspecting soul falls in to the gutter and loses his life for no fault of his?

Contractors who indulge in such mischief in tacit connivance with the authorities should be arrested and blacklisted so that it serves as a deterrent. Time the city fathers wake up before a mishap takes place here. The rains are at the doorstep and things could just get bad of pedestrians and motorists.


Idhar Udhar