29 Apr 2024  |   06:17am IST

Signboard displaying jurisdiction removed

Concerned citizen By email

It is reported in O Heraldo dated April 23, 2024, on page 5 that the signboard of Police Jurisdiction over half the Mandovi River which is of Panaji Police has been removed. The Jurisdiction over half the river on one side and the other half on the other side comes from the earliest times when rivers were divided according to the jurisdiction of Comunidades over the river waters. The dividing line was the middle of the river.

If the signboard was obstructing the traffic it could have been placed at a higher level of the pole, otherwise, there will be confusion in the minds of the people, should an accident take place on the bridge, whether to approach Panaji or Porvorim police station. Will the police clarify about it?


Iddhar Udhar