19 Feb 2018  |   05:59am IST

View from the street

Each year lawmakers produce pages of new laws and regulations for the benefit of society. Then they retreat to their ivory tower and look up to the heavens and say 'I do a good job'. Do they?

Each year lawmakers produce pages of new laws and regulations for the benefit of society. Then they retreat to their ivory tower and look up to the heavens and say 'I do a good job'. Do they?

Countless abandoned villas and vehicles litter the countryside. Helmet less motorcycles zoom in and out of traffic regardless of pedestrians; lorries and buses use their horns to say 'get out of my way I am bigger than you; packs of dogs run freely frightening tourists; cows and pigs roam the streets looking for a meal in the garbage carelessly dumped; smoking in bars and restaurants is rife.

Step on the sand at Calangute beach and you cannot take two steps without stepping on the bottles or shards of broken glass or rubbish. 

Yes there are beach cleaners but far too few, their job can be likened to emptying a swimming pool with a cup whilst the tap filling the pool still runs.

Lawmakers come down from your ivory tower and walk the streets and see for yourself how little your unenforced laws have done to improve the lives of ordinary people.


Idhar Udhar