18 Nov 2020  |   05:50am IST

Focus on spiritual celebration, not extravagant display: Archbishop on Advent & Christmas

Focus on spiritual celebration, not extravagant display: Archbishop on Advent & Christmas

Team Herald

PANJIM:  Ahead of festive season, the Archbishop of Goa and Daman Filipe Neri Ferrao has appealed to its faithful to be focused more on the Spiritual celebration of Advent and Christmas rather than getting into an extravagant display. 

In a circular issued to the clergy, religious and lay faithful of this Archdiocese, the Archbishop has suggested reaching out to the poor and needy during the festival celebration. 

“Dearly beloved, a genuine, Spirit-filled celebration of Advent and Christmas has never called for the extravagant display of external merry-making that has increasingly characterized our Christmases, dictated more and more by today’s commercial concerns,” the circular mentioned.

“It is my earnest wish that the restrictions imposed by the ongoing pandemic may help us to focus on what is essential, indeed necessary, for us to celebrate the Feast of our God Immanuel in a way most befitting to Him, that is, by turning our attention to the other and to his needs, reaching out to others in our own families, neighbourhood groups and parishes and thus welcoming into our lives the Lord who, in the words of a well-known hymn, “comes, comes, ever comes”,” the Archbishop added. 

He further advised the faithful to avoid too many lights and decorations; the money could, instead, be channelled towards the needy.

“Think of moving from external illumination to lighting the lives of people,” he said, while appealing for small sacrifices to be made in the family and the savings (in cash or kind) to be given to the poor and the underprivileged in the parish.

He added that for the past two decades or so suggestions have been made several times for a more communitarian and participatory celebration of Advent, Christmas and New Year, with a view to create greater fellowship among all. “This year, however, such a celebration will not be possible, due to the unprecedented situation in which we all are because of the COVID pandemic,” he added.

The Archdiocese recommends 

1. Deepening our communion with God 
a) Masses for parishioners: Eucharistic celebrations are to be organized for small Christian communities during the Advent Season. As many parishioners as possible should get a chance to participate in the Mass during Advent. Masses could be also organized for special groups, namely, the sick, those above 65 years of age, children below 10, etc 
b) Confessions: Parishioners should get an opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Priests should therefore be available to administer the Sacrament. Pastors are to work out a plan for this purpose, taking into account the provisions of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities, namely, observing physical distancing (6 feet), wearing face masks, refraining from touching the penitent while imparting the absolution and seeing that a well-ventilated place is prepared for the purpose
 c) Paraliturgies: i. Advent Wreath services may be held in families on the four Sundays of Advent. ii. A specially prepared Family Rosary may be prayed from 17 - 24 December (Christmas Novena). iii. Activity-based reflections on the readings of the day could be organised in families
Activities for families:  
Saturday before the 1st Sunday of Advent, 28th November: Family members get together to prepare the Advent Wreath  
1st Sunday of Advent, 29th November: Family members together prepare the Star  
2nd Sunday of Advent, 6th December: Preparation of the family crib. (NOTE: ward wise or roadside cribs are to be discouraged this year) 
3rd Sunday of Advent, 13th December: Family gets involved in preparing traditional sweets 
4th Sunday of Advent, 20th December: Family members lend a hand in cleaning/decorating the house and surroundings

Advent Family in the neighbourhood: Wherever possible, all family members pray and offer sacrifices for a neighbourhood family (to be allotted by the Priest/Animator/Leader) and, if appropriate, offer to this family a token gift on Christmas Day

Offering the daily family Rosary: For one or two families of the small Christian community, according to a plan to be devised in the Community

Activity for children/teens based on Fratelli Tutti: Decorating the Christmas Tree through good acts

a) Masses for parishioners could be celebrated at different times, so that as many faithful as possible can participate. Care is to be taken to follow all the guidelines/instructions from the ecclesiastical and civil authorities. (Those who have to be left out are to be given preference at Masses on 26th and 27th) 
b) A short prayer service in families on Christmas Day 
c) Family members make it a point to come together for a meal on Christmas Day 

a) Niropradi Ballkancho Dis – Prayer service in the homes, with parents blessing their children 
b) Koxttovtoleancho Dis – Special Mass for all who have been suffering during this pandemic 
c) Piddestancho Dis – Mass/es for senior citizens and the sick 
d) Online activities/presentations could be organized, wherever possible, at the SCC/Parish level, to keep children and youth engaged 

a) Midnight and Day Masses could be held for the parishioners, following all the guidelines/instructions from the ecclesiastical and civil authorities 
b) Prayer services could be held in the homes, invoking the presence of Jesus at the beginning of the Year 
c) Parishioners could be advised to refrain from lighting fireworks and making unnecessary expenses, and instead help the poor and the needy


Iddhar Udhar