24 Jan 2024  |   06:14am IST


Two husbands and one mother have killed their closest family in the past three months in Goa; all three, from outside the State, chose Goa for their most heinous acts


PANJIM: One after another the murders of family members for dowry or marital discord issues have rocked Goa. ‘Killer mom” Suchana Seth is in custody for  murdering her child, a navy officer, Anurag Rajawat has been arrested for murdering his wife and mother-in-law and the most recent case of Diksha Gangawar whose husband, Gaurav Katiyar is behind bars on suspicion of drowning his wife to death. The two men and one woman, in custody in Goa have one thing in common- they were either visiting or their work had brought them here. These ‘outsiders’ have blood on their hands, but have sullied Goa.

Convenor of Bailancho Ekvott Auda Viegas explains that Goa has become a state that has been taken for granted because we are a welcoming state. "After the murders, the law enforcement has taken steps as far as effective investigation is concerned. However, the life that is lost cannot be replaced" she said. “Do people take us for granted?” Auda asked. 

Anthony D'silva, Activist said that the crimes, the soft action and the delayed action is only emboldening the unscrupulous elements to execute crimes these heinous. "People who come and reside in Goa need to be on the radar of law enforcement. It will deter such crimes" he said. 

Activist Xencor Polji said, “If this trend is not deterred there will be a day when people will come to Goa not as a tourists but to commit crimes,” he said. 

COUNSELLOR GAYATRI KONKAR says these acts are not premeditated

When it is a planned murder there is always a motive like financial gain or even revenge. However in a crime of passion, the person murders due to a sudden strong impulse, most often an emotion like rage, or jealousy - it happens in that moment and is not premeditated. Essentially the person has failed to regulate their emotions at the time of conflict and shown extremely violent behaviour. Sometimes it is also fuelled by alcohol or drugs that prevent rational thinking. 

Herald OPINION: However, all three cases suggests very precise and detailed planning and pre-determination


A 29-year-old manager of a luxury hotel in South Goa was arrested on Saturday for allegedly drowning his wife Diksha Gangwar at Cabo de Rama beach.

The accused, Gaurav Katiyar who is the husband of the deceased made a failed attempt to project the death as a drowning incident. Gaurav was caught in the action after a video shot from far off at the beach surfaced. Sources have informed that the accused was allegedly into an extra-marital affair which led to differences in the one-year-old marriage.



Suchana Seth, a 39-year-old Bengaluru-based tech entrepreneur and CEO of Mindful AI Lab, was apprehended in Karnataka while attempting to flee from a star apartment facility in Sinquerim, Goa. The arrest follows the alleged murder of her four-year-old son, whose lifeless body was found concealed in a bag.

Investigation revealed that Suchana took this extreme step followed by a strained marital relationship with ex-husband Venkat Raman and the differences she had as far as the custody of the child was concerned. 



Pregnant Shivani Rajawat, wife and Jaidevi Chauhan mother-in-law of a naval officer Anurag Rajawat died on Saturday, November 18, 2023 in a mysterious explosion that happened in their flat in New Vaddem Vasco. What was initially called a cylinder blast was found to be a gas vapour cloud explosion after 

O Heraldo’s relentless investigation and reportage.

Later more details emerged through the complaint of the brother of the deceased Shivani; it was found to be a case of prima facie marital discord and a prolonged case of dowry harassment.



Iddhar Udhar