26 Aug 2023  |   05:18am IST

GSL initiates construction of four Fast Patrol Vessels for Indian Coast Guard

GSL initiates construction of four Fast Patrol Vessels for Indian Coast Guard

Team Herald

VASCO: The Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) in Vasco marked a significant milestone with the Keel laying ceremony for four Coast Guard Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs) and the inauguration of the GSL integrated stores complex. Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane, IAS, graced the ceremony on Friday, commending the efforts of Goa Shipyard and highlighting the importance of nurturing the shipbuilding industry in India.

The event was attended by prominent figures including Rakesh Pal, PTM, TM, Director General of the Indian Coast Guard; Brajesh Kumar Upadhyay, Chairman and Managing Director of GSL; Jaspal Singh, Director General of Police (DGP); Rear Admiral Ajay D Theophilus, Flag Officer Commanding Goa Area; IG Manoj Vasant Baadkar, PTM, TM, Commander Coast Guard Region (West); IG H K Sharma, TM, DDG (Tech) Indian Coast Guard; and Capt Jagmohan (Retd), Director (CPP&BD) GSL, along with other senior officials from the Indian Coast Guard and GSL.

Aramane lauded Goa Shipyard’s achievement in reaching this milestone, particularly in terms of collaborating with the Indian industry for indigenisation. He stressed the significance of nurturing and evolving the shipbuilding industry in India, which has a rich historical legacy.

Brajesh Kumar Upadhyay expressed gratitude to the Indian Coast Guard for their unwavering support and reiterated GSL's dedication to meeting the requirements of Maritime Defence Forces through indigenous shipbuilding.

These FPVs for the Indian Coast Guard are designed in-house by GSL and will feature advanced machinery and computerised control systems, positioning them as the most technologically advanced FPVs in service with the Indian Coast Guard, upon delivery. During times of conflict, these vessels will provide communication links and escort coastal convoys.

Additionally, the event included the inauguration of the new stores complex by the Defence Secretary, signifying the completion of GSL's modernisation programme aimed at enhancing the yard’s capabilities.


Iddhar Udhar