21 Apr 2024  |   07:38am IST

Khalap claims to have reduced court cases during his stint as law minister

Khalap  claims to have reduced court cases during his stint as law minister

Team Herald

PANJIM: North Goa Lok Sabha Congress candidate Ramakant Khalap on Saturday recalled his contribution to the legal framework to the country as law minister reminding the people that it was he who moved the bill to allow for alternate dispute resolution that has reduced the burden of litigation on Court. 

“Since I was a lawyer I could understand the pain of litigants whose cases were going on and on for several years. There was a case which I took up as a lawyer that began in 1974 and till 1996-97 it was being argued. As Minister for Law, I brought about a legislation from alternate dispute resolution, brought changes to the code of civil procedure and so today cases can be fast tracked,” he said while speaking at a corner meeting at Vetal Temple, Porvorim. 

The enabling legal framework for resolution of disputes through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has been provided under Section 89, Civil Procedure Code, 1908. Section 89 recognises, Arbitration, Conciliation, Mediation and Judicial Settlement including settlement through Lok Adalat.

Khalap said, as law minister he also introduced and passed the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 allowing for quicker settlement of business disputes. 

“Let Shripad Naik tell me what he has done in the last 25 years and I will tell him what I did in 18 months as an MP and Minister for Law. I'm ready for a debate anytime,” Khalap said.


Iddhar Udhar