04 Jun 2023  |   06:04am IST

Margao Municipality demands inquiry into illegal sale of shops

Margao Municipality demands inquiry into illegal sale of shops

Team Herald

MARGAO: The civic councillors of Margao are calling for an immediate inquiry into the unauthorised sale of shops owned by the Margao Municipal Council, conducted without the knowledge or consent of the civic body. 

The gravity of the situation has prompted councillors to seek intervention from the Chief Minister and Urban Development Minister to address this serious issue.

Councillor Mahesh Amonkar, speaking on behalf of his colleagues, alleged that unscrupulous individuals have been involved in purchasing these council-owned shops at significantly reduced prices only to resell them to unsuspecting outsiders. This illicit activity has raised serious concerns within the council and the community at large.

The issue of these shops, a subject of discussion for many years, has recently gained renewed attention. O Heraldo shed light on the matter by revealing that the civic body has neglected to renew the lease deeds of these shops, creating an environment ripe for exploitation.

In addition, hundreds of vendors continue to pay meagre rents ranging from Rs 10 to Rs 50 for these shops, further compounding the financial losses incurred by the council.

Councillor Amonkar emphatically highlighted the presence of numerous irregularities in both Gandhi Market and New Market. 

One person, named Shaabir, stands accused of perpetrating a fraudulent scheme, selling shops owned by the council to unsuspecting migrants.

To rectify this situation, Amonkar said that he will bring this issue to the Chief Minister and Urban Development Minister's attention. The aim is to ensure that the Municipal Council regains control over the shops and takes action against all those involved in illegal activities.


Iddhar Udhar