MARGAO: Uproarious scenes were witnessed at the Seraulim gram sabha on Sunday after members hauled up the village panchayat for failing to take up follow up action on the decisions taken at the last meeting. Left with no other option after being cornered by the members, the gram sabha was then adjourned to next Sunday.
Members grilled the Chair about how the decisions taken up at the last gram sabha were not discussed and confirmed at the panchayat meeting and also questioned the rulers for not initiating follow up action on the resolutions.
Deputy Sarpanch clarified that while they had informed the gram sabha about the resolutions, some members contested the panchayat’s procedure.
He emphasised that resolutions were in order but the gram sabha was adjourned as per the demand of the people. He also added that they have received three proposals, which would be taken up at the next gram sabha meeting.