21 Feb 2018  |   06:24am IST

Sudin takes ‘charge’ but is all well in the coalition?

Dhavalikar, “in charge” of govt; Calls for files, meets top bureaucrats; Chief Secretary takes oral instructions from CM in Lilavati hospital in Mumbai on procedures for Vote on Account and convening cabinet meeting; Dhavalikar to chair cabinet

Team Herald

PANJIM: Despite the announcement that PWD Minister Ramkrishna (Sudin) Dhavalikar has been given charge of the government in the absence of the Chief Minister and that he will be tabling the Budget, there was some ambiguity on the issue, which was cleared by Tuesday evening.

Chief Secretary Dharmendra Sharma, who called on the ailing but “totally in control” Chief Minister told Herald that instructions have been received for both the legislative and administrative procedures for taking the vote on account as well as for convening the cabinet meeting, leading up to the presentation of the Budget.

It is certain that Dhavalikar will be chairing the Cabinet meeting and placing the budget, with the provisio “if Chief Minister Mr Parrikar is not discharged by his doctors in Mumbai”.

However, BJP MLAs are keen that the temporary nature of Dhavalikar’s assignment is impressed upon. “He is just holding the fort, let there be no confusion. The Chief Minister has cleared every line of the Budget and fine tuned it, even in hospital,” said a BJP MLA.

On Monday, Speaker Pramod Sawant had announced that Dhavalikar will be in charge but when the media questioned him after the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) on whether Dhavalikar will present/table the budget he said, “It has not been decided yet.”

This was after Sawant presented a letter from Parrikar to the Governor authorising Dhavalikar to table the Budget. “The Chief Minister through Speaker has empowered me to table the Budget on Thursday,” Dhavalikar had said.

 Though, given charge for a few days, Dhavalikar has decided to take control of the government. “He has even called for important files from Finance etc and is holding meetings with top bureaucrats,” sources said.

“I will be in charge of the government in absence of Chief Minister. I will sign all the papers and also answer questions on behalf of Chief Minister,” Dhavalikar stated.

However, BJP sources reveal that there is an ambiguity on whether he would answer questions related to the Chief Minister’s departments. Speaking to media, Deputy Speaker Michael Lobo said that the Budget would be tabled by Dhavalikar, however, questions related to Finance Department and other portfolios held by the Chief minister, will not be taken up during the Business. “The Budget would be just placed on the Floor of the House,” he had said.  

Sources close to the PWD minister, and firmly in his camp, reveal that Dhavalikar wants to see that everything runs smoothly in absence of the regular CM. “He (Dhavalikar) will be responsible for anything and everything that happens during this period and for that he is being extra cautious,” sources said.

BJP’s senior minister Francis D’Souza feels there is nothing wrong with Dhavalikar calling for files. “He has been given charge so he has to take up the responsibility,” he stated.

It also appears that there exist some simmering differences within the ruling coalition on Dhavalikar taking charge, though on the face of it all partners, including Goa Forward, have agreed to the arrangement for the present. 

Dhavalikar is an MGP MLA, and BJP president Vinay Tendulkar had said that his name was approved by the party during its legislative wing meeting on Monday, and that coalition partners Goa Forward Party and Independents had been convinced on this.


Iddhar Udhar