27 May 2023  |   06:14am IST

Ucassaim village panchayat acts against illegal hill cutting

Ucassaim village panchayat acts against illegal hill cutting

Team Herald 

MAPUSA: Ucassaim village panchayat has initiated action against alleged illegal hill cutting and has stopped the work.

The Ucassaim panchayat stopped hill cutting, which was allegedly being carried out behind an under construction site in ward No 3. When the locals in the area witnessed sudden increase in movement of heavy trucks, the panchayat members were informed, who conducted surprise inspections and intimated the collector. 

A team of flying squad rushed to the spot and stopped the hill cutting which was being carried out beyond permissible limit.

A panch member informed that when the site manager was asked to produce the permission copies, which he apparently failed to produce and informed that the owners of the property were out of State.  

He said the villagers then informed the flying squad which arrived at the spot and conducted an inspection of the site.


Iddhar Udhar