26 May 2024  |   07:21am IST

Untreated effluents cause widespread fish mortality at Velsao bay, rivulet

Fishing community blames Paradeep Phosphates Ltd for discharging untreated effluents into the Arabian Sea; calls on GSPCB to intervene and take stringent action against violators; company says its entire waste is connected to the effluent treatment plant
Untreated effluents cause widespread fish mortality at Velsao bay, rivulet


VELSAO: Expressing fear over the widespread fish mortality along the Pale-Velsao shore, traditional fishermen and residents of Velsao have accused Paradeep Phosphates Ltd (formerly Zuari Agro Chemicals Ltd) of discharging untreated industrial effluents into the Arabian Sea. 

Claiming that this pollution is allegedly the root cause behind the fish mortality, the traditional Goan fishing community, which is solely dependent on fishing, has requested the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) to intervene and take stringent action against the violators.  

Over the past two days, the bay as well as the brackish water rivulet known as Poiem at Dando, Velsao, have witnessed a significant number of dead fish.

The impact of this ecological disaster extends beyond just economic loss. Fresh fish, a local delicacy and a vital source of sustenance, is now in short supply, affecting not only the livelihoods of the fishing community, but also the large village population, particularly those from the OBC & ST communities.

The community elders lament that such environmental transgressions have become all too common in recent years. 

Goenche Ramponkarancho Ekvott (GRE) and Goencho Ekvott (GE), along with allied groups, have called for urgent action from the authorities.

Agnelo Rodrigues, President of Goenchea Ramponkarancho Ekvott (GRE), stated, “Every year they release the effluents. The waste is accumulated near their wall inside the plant. When it rains, the effluent drains through the pipes into the rivulet and the sea. They have laid pipes for the effluents to seep into the sea, which has been taking place for many years and this has resulted in fish mortality. We have filed many complaints. GPSCB officials come, take samples, but the report is zero. There is no help from any government, whether Congress or BJP. They have polluted the entire village.”

Recalling the pollution caused by the erstwhile Zuari Agro Chemical Limited, Rodrigues said, “The factory was brought in by the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party. We had started the movement under Matanhy Saldanha in the 1973. They had built a huge tank and were releasing the effluent into that tank. That started leaking and the groundwater and all wells were polluted. After that they had promised to supply clean water to the entire village by laying a pipeline. Gradually, part by part, over a period of time, they removed the pipeline. It now exists only at a few places.”

Fisherman Agnelo Fernandes said, “Lots of fish have died. Every year Zuari (the factory) causes a loss to us. We make a living based on fishing. We don’t even get fish to eat. They have been harassing us for so many years, but no one is taking action. We request the authorities to take immediate action in this matter.”

Joaquim Fernandes, who ekes out a living on fishing, said, “By releasing effluents, Zuari (the factory) has destroyed the fish. Now we do not get to catch any fish. We request the Chief Minister to take action. When the sea is rough, we fish in the rivulet at Dando. Now, we don’t get any fish in the rivulet since it is dead due to discharge of effluents.”

Founder Member of Goencho Ekvott, Oriville Dourado Rodrigues, said, “Velsao is a rich fishing ground as fishermen earn their livelihood here. Paradeep Phosphates is releasing untreated effluents into the sea which has resulted in fish mortality. Fishermen have suffered losses in crores of rupees. The Poiem (rivulet), which was brimming with fish, now has dead fish. There is neither fish nor crabs in this rivulet. There is no living organism, the rivulet has turned dead. GSPCB should take samples and institute an inquiry as to why this has happened. Migrants are picking up the fish, possibly unaware of the implications of consuming this fish.” 

When contacted, Nilesh Desai, Chief General Manager of Paradeep Phosphates, told O Heraldo, “We don’t discharge anything into the sea. You can go and check all over the rivulet which is upstream of the Velsao Beach. The rivulet is not connected to the sea. What is the connection with the rivulet upstream? We completely deny that it (pollution) is caused by us. You can check and find out the source. We have an effluent treatment plant.” 

Desai also said that their entire waste is connected to the company’s effluent treatment plant. “The pollution control board conducts checks. So it is not from our side,” he said. 

When questioned on the fish mortality on Velsao beach, Goa State Pollution Control Board chairman Mahesh Patil, said, “I have not received any complaints from the fishermen, but I have learnt about it from the media. I have told my team to take samples and investigate the pollution. We will be able to take stock of this only on Monday, since Saturday and Sunday are holidays.”  


Iddhar Udhar