The International Film Festival of India (IFFI) stands as the exclusive film festival in South Asia accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF) in the Competitive Feature Films Category. IFFI's International Cinema section curates a diverse selection of culturally and aesthetically significant films from across the globe. Maintaining its prestige, the festival is dedicated to promoting art by presenting internationally acclaimed films shortlisted by eminent members of the film industry.
Since 2004, IFFI has found its permanent home in Goa, organized annually by the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, and Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG). The upcoming 54th edition of IFFI is scheduled to commence on November 20 in Goa, opening with a grand ceremony at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Indoor Stadium in Bambolim at 3.30 pm. Union Minister Anurag Thakur will inaugurate the event, felicitating filmmakers and the cast of the opening film at INOX complex. Additionally, Minister Thakur will inaugurate the Film Bazaar, South Asia’s largest global film market organized by NFDC alongside IFFI, supporting and showcasing South Asian content, talent in filmmaking, and promoting world cinema in the region.
The nine-day film festival will kick off with the international premiere of "Catching Dust" by award-winning British filmmaker Stuart Gatt, promising audiences a captivating experience with an eclectic array of world cinema.