23 May 2024  |   11:48pm IST

Chief Minister Sawant Condemns Insulting Statements Against Deities

Chief Minister Sawant Condemns Insulting Statements Against Deities

Team Herald

Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has condemned derogatory remarks made by Social activist Shreha Dhargalkar against revered deities Devi Lairai and Shantadurga. Speaking to media reporters upon his return from New Delhi after an intense campaign for the NDA, Sawant expressed his strong disapproval of Dhargalkar's statements.


"I condemn such statements made by Shreha Dhargalkar. They have been running NGOs under the garb of helping certain sections of society. The government will not stay silent on such religious issues," asserted Sawant.


According to the Chief Minister, Dhargalkar has been arrested under relevant sections of the law. "Dhargalkar's comments on deities are intolerable. Under the guise of NGOs, some people are running extortion rackets," CM added, emphasizing the seriousness of the issue.


CM Sawant vowed to send a resolute message that speaking against any religious deities will not be tolerated. He announced plans to initiate an inquiry through the police department and society registration to further investigate the matter.


"Just donating to some people during COVID-19 does not make it a registered NGO," remarked CM, highlighting the need for proper scrutiny of organizations claiming charitable status.


The Chief Minister assured that he would personally oversee the day-to-day investigation and promised to take action against any so-called NGOs found to be involved in extortion activities.


"People without fear should register complaints against such individuals and NGOs," urged Sawant, encouraging citizens to come forward and report any instances of religious disrespect or fraudulent practices.



Idhar Udhar