27 May 2023  |   12:31pm IST

HERALD IMPACT: Morjim panchayat takes action against illegal banners

HERALD IMPACT: Morjim panchayat takes action against illegal banners

Team Herald

Finally, the authorities swung into action after Herald reported the issue. On Saturday, the Morjim Panchayat started the work of removing the illegal signboards placed on the roadside at several poles in the Morjim Panchayat area. 

Illegal signboards can clutter the visual landscape, leading to an unsightly and unorganized appearance along roadsides. This can negatively affect the aesthetics of the surrounding area and diminish the overall visual appeal.

Signboards that are improperly placed or obstructive can distract drivers and divert their attention from the road. This distraction increases the risk of accidents and compromises road safety for both motorists and pedestrians.


Iddhar Udhar