24 May 2024  |   06:31pm IST

Heavy Rains in Goa Bring Lightning and Thunder, Causing Damage and Injuries

Heavy Rains in Goa Bring Lightning and Thunder, Causing Damage and Injuries

Team Herald

Thursday evening saw heavy rainfall accompanied by lightning and thunder in various parts of Goa, resulting in several incidents of damage and injury.

In Xelpem-Duler, a powerful bolt of lightning struck a house, causing minor structural damage and damaging electrical appliances. Fortunately, the family inside managed to escape unharmed.

Another striking incident occurred in Guirdolim-Chandor, where a bolt of lightning hit a house with such force that roof tiles were propelled up to 40 meters away. Additionally, two teak trees nearby were pierced by the intense force of the strike.

At Ribandar Patto, lightning struck a house, causing extensive damage to electrical appliances. Fortunately, the situation was swiftly brought under control by the Fire and Emergency Services (FES).

In Adulahe-Borim, a mango tree collapsed onto a house, injuring three individuals, including one minor. They were promptly shifted to the hospital for medical treatment. The owner of the house estimates the loss to be around Rs 10 lakhs.


Iddhar Udhar