25 Nov 2023  |   12:59pm IST

Unseasonal Rainfall Surprises Goa Amid Festivities and Agricultural Activities

Unseasonal Rainfall Surprises Goa Amid Festivities and Agricultural Activities

Team Herald

As agricultural work reaches its midpoint and the Tulsi Vivah festival kicks off, Goa finds itself in the midst of unexpected rainfall, adding a surprising twist to the ongoing celebrations. The capital city, Panaji, is bustling with the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), creating a vibrant atmosphere despite the unseasonal weather.

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a yellow alert for the state, cautioning residents and authorities about potential heavy rainfall between November 22 and November 26. On Friday night, parts of Goa experienced thunderstorms, lightning, and significant rainfall, disrupting the festive and agricultural proceedings.

The untimely rain has raised concerns among farmers, impacting ongoing agricultural activities. Additionally, the unexpected weather has prompted residents and authorities to be on alert, considering the unusual climatic conditions during this time of the year.

The yellow alert remains in place, signalling the possibility of further rain and urging residents to stay informed about weather updates. The unseasonal rainfall serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of weather patterns and the importance of preparedness during festive and agricultural seasons.

As both the agricultural community and festival enthusiasts navigate through these climatic surprises, attention is focused on weather forecasts to ensure safety and smooth proceedings amid the concurrent celebrations in Goa


Iddhar Udhar