Prevent Student Suicide

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Joseph Lewis D’Silva

Every now and then, there is news of a student dying by suicide. According to National Crime Records Bureau’s report, 3289 persons took their own lives in Goa in the past 13 years. This report serves as a reminder of the urgent need to do something about it.

Suicide is an “irrational and cruel” act of ending biological life --- physical body; it does not destroy life; it does not destroy existence; it is not the end of the soul which lives on, in the world of spirits; where it may also not be happy for committing suicide.

No person who ends his/her life wants to die. They are not strong enough to face the realities of life like the feelings of shame and humiliation of teasing. Shame is what, to a greater or lesser extent causes depression for the victim --- the targeted sufferer.

The victim feels that there will be no end to their current pain of teasing with nicknames or physical punishment by teachers; and they find no way out of their present situations of stress; and no help from any one to remove them from the torturous stress. And they do not see any alternative other than death as their only escape. So, they commit suicide because they want to stop the painful emotional stress --- their mental torture; and so they begin to think of committing suicide just to end the pain, hurt and hopelessness.

Students commit suicide for many other reasons like --- underperformance in competitive exams; humiliation due to criticism; impulsive behavior due to drugs, physical punishment by teachers or verbal torture by classmates or parents pushing them towards a career path to follow their own unfulfilled dream of becoming engineers, doctors, civil servants, so that their children could earn handsome salaries and alleviate them from their weak socio-economic situation.

Any victim must keep in mind that we all have to face problems with courage. Whatsoever may be the problem in life, suicide is not a solution to any difficulty. God is with us to help us; we have to ask His assistance. What is impossible with man, is possible with God. It is better to face the problem and live our life than to die with suicide for a problem.

If wrongs are not corrected by authorities, it can be repeated again and bullies lose the chance of improving their conduct; and they will never learn to respect people with gentle words, loving heart and polished behavior; and the victim may end up with suicide or drop out in school with the fear of physical or vocal torture.

Therefore, authorities should stop torturers in schools. Authorities should know that they have to be their brother’s keeper and should not silence their conscience with Cain’s words: “Am I my brother’s keeper.” They should instill in the mind of persecutors the words of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher: “Do not do to others what you do not wish done to yourselves. Wish for others what you desire and wish for yourself.”

Teachers need to undergo intensive training to control their anger and emotions. A full time counsellor is needed to be appointed to the school for the teachers and students. The classroom should be fitted with CCTV cameras to spot the trouble makers.

People who try to attempt suicide need sympathy, understanding and help. They need psychiatric guidance or treatment; a toll-free helpline number 14416 is available.

With understanding and support, we can help students find hope and strength even in the face of life’s most challenging moments.

Herald Goa