PANJIM: After the head of the Goa Police Force Ex DGP Jaspal Singh was shunted out of the state, after allegations of being involved in the Assagao land case, now the top boss of the civil services --the incumbent chief secretary Puneet Kumar Goel has been accused of purchasing a bungalow at Rs 2.3crores on converted land at Aldona. It appears that these allegations would certainly shake the faith of the administration in their head.
Politicians reacted strongly to the allegations, against the top bureaucrat, who is supposed to be above board.
The various changes in the Town and Country Planning Act were executed to facilitate such land conversions. Because politicians are doing illegalities, bureaucrats are not to be left behind. Goa is moving towards doom, Capt Viriato Fernandes, South Goa MP said.
Patkar also said we told Governor that such officer who are involved in illegal conversion of land and paddy fields, no development zones, forest cover have to he dealt with strongly. “Delhiwallas cannot come here and convert land using the tool prepared by the TCP Minister of 17(2), 39(A) and he is due to bring more amendment . Are these amendment for Delhiwalas to grab more lands in Goa, Patkar asked.
Pointing to the Caranzalem beach area and Reis Magos, Congressman Shriniwas Khalap pointed out that these huge buildings are coming up by ‘bursting through the stomach of Goa.’ The BJP government is destroying Goa like this.