With just two days left for the grand celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi, the 13th Dabolimcha Raja Ganesh idol was welcomed with great enthusiasm amidst the beats of dhol, tasha, and dindi. The Dabolimcha Raja Ganesh idol is one of the largest in Goa, celebrated on a grand scale. Meanwhile, artisans and idol makers across the state continue the tradition of crafting Ganesh idols from clay, though they have expressed concern over the declining interest in this art form among the younger generation.
Preparations for Ganesh Chaturthi, locally known as 'Chavath,' are in full swing as Goans eagerly anticipate the most cherished festival of the year. The festival is celebrated with vibrant decorations, newly painted homes, and grand feasts featuring traditional delicacies.
The 13th Dabolimcha Raja Ganesh idol was welcomed with a grand procession featuring dhol, tasha, and dindi, symbolizing unity and harmony—the true essence of Ganesh Chaturthi.
Despite the festive spirit, artisans and idol makers have highlighted a worrisome trend: the younger generation's diminishing interest in the traditional art of clay idol making, a craft that has been a cornerstone of the festival's cultural heritage
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