Pit Bull kills child in Goa; PETA India urges state to ban foreign dog breeds bred for attack

Following the death of a 7-year-old boy in Anjuna, Goa, after a pit bull attack, (PETA) India sent a letter to Goa’s Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, urging it to implement a policy prohibiting breeding, selling, or keeping foreign dog breeds bred for attack
Pit Bull kills child in Goa; PETA India urges state to ban foreign dog breeds bred for attack
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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India wrote to the Goa Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services demanding the implementation of a policy that forbade the breeding, sale, or possession of dog breeds that have been purposefully bred for fighting and aggression, such as bull terriers, XL bullies, Rottweilers, Pakistani bully kuttas, Dogo Argentinos (Argentine mastiffs), Presa Canarios (Spanish mastiffs), Fila Brasileiros (Brazilian mastiffs), bull terriers, and dogo Argentinos (Argentine mastiffs). PETA India cautions that these dogs are frequently sold to gullible purchasers who are either attacked by the dogs or are unable to control them in any other way.

Pit bull-type foreign dog breeds are bred to be unstoppable weapons and to be abused in dogfights. To protect people from attacks and dogs from abuse, we implore Goa to enact a statewide policy that forbids the keeping, breeding, or selling of these dogs as soon as possible.
Shaurya Agrawal, Advocacy Associate at PETA India

In India, pit bulls and other similar foreign dog breeds are used for dogfighting, despite the fact that The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, prohibits encouraging dogs to fight. In certain regions of the nation, organized dogfights have become commonplace due to a lack of appropriate enforcement and regulation, which has led to the pit bull breed and other canines utilized in these fights being the most abused.

The state could impose a ban on these dogs by making it mandatory for them to be sterilized and registered, and by outlawing breeding, retaining, or selling them after a predetermined deadline. In addition, PETA India is demanding that illegal dogfights be put an end to as well as the closure of pet stores and breeders.

Herald Goa