Why are Benaulim villagers angry about the Western Bypass?

Mercado Mall junction Benaulim
Mercado Mall junction Benaulim
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BENAULIM:  Benaulim villagers are expressing frustration as the road alongside the under-construction Western Bypass has deteriorated following the rains, posing inconvenience and safety concerns for those traveling through the area. The ongoing construction work has aggravated the situation, prompting citizens to push for repairs to prevent accidents. In this edition of Street Voices, Herald TV asked Benaulim villagers why they are angry about the Western Bypass?

I don’t know what they were thinking when the made a road and culvert infront of Mercado Mall. They have done land filling for the road and on Wednesday, the road sank when a car was passing by. There are many accidents taking place at this spot. The tourists do not know the (dangers lurking on the) road and which way to go since there is no divider. The culvert is one metre above the road. Now it is obstructing the traffic. The panchayat had asked that road improvement be done. But till now nothing has happened. Even the steel rods are rusting. This is causing obstruction to vehicular traffic.  

Rudolf Barretto, Resident, Benaulim

The main junction near Mercado Mall if full of potholes and it is causing untold hardships to road users. The road is causing hardships not only to us but also to senior citizens who use two wheelers. Our bikes too are severely damaged. The other day a senior citizen nearly fell at this junction. Authorities should take note and deploy police. The people are suffering badly. The authorities should repair the road as soon as possible.

 Joaquim Pereira, Resident, Benaulim

Traffic is coming from all directions. There is severe traffic congestion at this junction. Besides the road is very bad. Someone told me that the potholes were filled with cement. But this has got washed away by the rains. Today they have again plastered the road. I call on the concerned authorities to immediately repair this road and avoid hardships to the people.

Raymond Costa, Resident, Benaulim


Herald Goa