23 Oct 2017  |   03:49am IST

What is the recipe for Happiness?

Nelson Lopes

Well just like curries, the formula varies from person to person. Everyone has the in-born desire to be happy, but this wish seems never can never ever be fulfilled  completely on this Earth, it only means that the creator has reserved its  fulfillment elsewhere, Otherwise, He could be accused of creating an unfulfilled longing. For some material possessions and constant acquisitions gives a high. For others marriage, remaining single, serving God as Ministers provides satisfaction of some sorts. Then there are those who dwell , immerse in social work to create self illusion .

Some find gratification in occupying position of power in occupation or society, wielding authority and influence over others. Then there are those,who make their life a mission in accumulating wealth with greed and avarice. Quite a few derive pleasure in donating constantly their assets for publicity and happiness, only those living within their means and have fewest wants find a lot of solace and meaning in their life. Unlimited desires to possess are the root cause of unhappiness. 

The fable of the King, wanting to wear the shirt of the happiest person scouted his kingdom and, found that when he was located was shirtless. The sweet innocence of children amuses us, but being like children in our attitude, behaviour is too far fetched to try. Hence the hermits, religious who are in search for Divine within themselves  and are often elevated ,sublimated  to the higher platform, being at peace internally. 

Some take recourse to drugs, alcohol to momentarily drown their miseries and feel high and elated. Greed, avarice, prejudice, hatred, revenge, envy, pride of intelligence, arrogance lack of humility, drain our energies and rob our inner peace, joy and tranquility .The birds of the air and the animals in the wild  are so happy, for they only bother and depend for the daily sustenance of their needs. 

The Christians pray for daily bread every day, but there is no sincerity in limiting and living practically to this  tenet Just detach yourself from wealth, family , possessions, greed and constant desires and cravings for being loved, recognised, appreciated, and lo Eureka, you will have discovered the truth for happiness to some extent, Health is wealth and happiness and nothing wrong in maintaining it without obsession. Inner peace radiates happiness, so be carefree, think positive and leave one day at a time. Nothing living in the present, excessively ruminating over the past, and over cautious of the future is searching unhappiness.


Idhar Udhar