21 Jul 2015  |   09:22pm IST

Crossing that golden bridge…

Ayesha Barretto

50 – this two digit number brings to mind celebrations, commemorations and merry-making in myriad shades of gold, all on its own. Be it a birthday, an anniversary or even a corporate milestone, the joy and sense of achievement is almost the same. Now I know this because I experienced the same sentiments just a couple of weeks ago. No, I did not hit the golden landmark of my age (I have many years to go before I punch in my midlife crisis card). I did however cross that prestigious mark in the number of articles I’ve written in this space on Herald Café and if not for the physical evidence, I’d find it hard to believe myself!

I still remember being approached to write this weekly column early last year by a close friend of mine. It was quite the picture-perfect moment – a lovely summer’s day under a canopy of leaves accompanied by a just-right gentle breeze, the wafts of heavenly-crafted eggs benedict, the appropriate clink of ice cubes in a glass of fresh juice and the murmur of chatter from the surrounding tables that was just loud enough to hear oneself over. In the midst of our own nonsensical conversation, he popped the question; “So, what would you say to writing your own weekly column?” I blinked and then I blanked, for what seemed like an eternity. Then I squeaked, in this high pitched voice that can only come from too much anticipation and excitement bubbling beneath the surface; “Me? Really? You want me to write a weekly column?” Looking back now, I think he chose a popular café as the setting for the proposition on purpose so that I wouldn’t make more of a scene…

Safe to say, after I had gotten over the initial exhilaration, I calmed down enough to say yes and work out the terms and conditions. I then came rushing home, dusted off my laptop that had been starving for use, flipped it open aaand... Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I seemed to have contracted writer’s block and a bout of at-a-loss-for-words-and-not-in-a-good-way all at once. PANIC!!! What was I going to write about week after week? And what if I couldn’t deliver? Oh the pressure! After a quick dread riddled prayer, a power nap, some coffee, intense hand wringing, some floor pacing and a fervent vow to be good, inspiration not only struck but flowed and my first installation came in at a whopping 950 words!

Then came the next-to-impossible task of clicking an appropriate picture for the space. For others, I believe it must have been a breeze. I mean, someone talking about music could pose with musical instruments; someone discussing food could pose with state-of-the-art, deadly sharp, chef knives; but what does someone whose thoughts and points of view are random, disconnected and all over the place, pose with? An empty thought bubble? Anyway, I couldn’t put much thought into it because, due to health restrictions at the time, I couldn’t move beyond the four walls of my house. And so, what should have been my glammed up, glorious shot turned out to be my whatever-clothes-I-feel-most-comfortable-in-and-with-the-least-amount-of-makeup shot. Shot on the terrace of my home, under the canopy of my water tank. Seriously!

But in spite of all these hilarious hiccups, there’s been no looking back. I cherish every moment when someone tells me they’ve read my piece, let alone enjoyed it. So a big ‘thank you’ to team Herald Café for putting up with me, my delays, my typos and my randomness. Words aren’t enough to tell you just how
grateful I am!



Iddhar Udhar