25 Jan 2016  |   06:55am IST

Scrap IPB, demand Colva residents

MARGAO: Around 150 Colva locals have signed a resolution, which was submitted to the gram sabha, calling for the scrapping of the “unconstitutional” Investment Promotion Board and for scrapping of the Regional Plan 2021 (RP21).

Team Herald

MARGAO: Around 150 Colva locals have signed a resolution, which was submitted to the gram sabha, calling for the scrapping of the “unconstitutional” Investment Promotion Board and for scrapping of the Regional Plan 2021 (RP21).

The resolution was moved by activist Judith Almeida, Shakuntala Mesquita and passed by the other gram sabha members. The sarpanch was asked to forward the same to the chief secretary and other government departments. The resolution also demanded that a new plan be prepared based on seven broad parameters.

While the Colva sarpanch stated that the panchayat had forwarded all letters of objections it had received with regards to the RP21 and its 2011 resolution, gram sabha member Alexandre Fernandes called for another meeting, where the people could check the regional plan again.

Almeida spoke about how the RP21 could affect the village and how low-lying fields on the Margao-Colva road get inundated during the rains. She sought to know the consequences of the proposed road-widening work in the plan.

She pointed out to objections regarding the changing of settlement zones and the damage it could cause to sand dunes, water bodies and agricultural land. She also slammed the Investment Promotion Board (IPB) and referred to objections to a proposal for a hotel in the village that the IPB had passed. She added that the IPB can help make way for similar projects across Goa.

“It is strange that on one hand, the Government asks the people of Goa to come up with suggestions for the RP, but on the other hand, it deviously constitutes an unwarranted and draconian IPB, which equips its other departments with powers to override and destroy the very essence of the RP,” said Almeida.

She continued, “It is further resolved that the 73rd and 74th Amendments be implemented before the new RP is in place, that 16, 16A and ecotourism permissions under the Ordinance be withdrawn. The IPB Act, which violates Article 14 of the Constitution, should be withdrawn along with all permissions granted to projects under this Act. It is also resolved that the coconut tree be restored to its original status.”


Iddhar Udhar